Wild n out girls season 9 episode 14
Wild n out girls season 9 episode 14

wild n out girls season 9 episode 14

If that's not enough to make you realize there's something fishy going on then the show goes out of it's way to make it plainly obvious before revealing at the end of the first episode that yes, this is all an elaborate plan. We see all the women on the plane eating cake then later see them awakening in very convenient positions and vomiting cake. The first episode mostly tells one girl's story leading up to the "accident". A group of young women stranded on an island after their plane crashed. I was originally attracted to the concept advertised for this show. I hope we get a season 2! I will definitely renew a prime membership just to watch season 2 of this show! 969 people found this helpful I still get strong Lord of the Flies meets Hunger Games and Lost vibes from this show (and actually chuckled to myself when Leah mentioned Deus Ex Machina in an episode). The people complaining about it being unrealistic make me wonder how they feel about superhero shows and movies as well as Hunger Games - it's definitely set in like an alternate reality where most of the world is similar to ours except research experiments clearly have zero legal/ethical limitations.

wild n out girls season 9 episode 14

I feel like it raises some intriguing questions about ethics and morality, despite being an unrealistic thing to happen in our current world. I don't feel like the show pushes too much of a message down your throat aside from "don't be homophobic" (which, come on, it's 2020, let people love who they want already, they can't infect you with the gay - it isn't a disease) and "cheating is gross", but otherwise this show didn't feel patronizing nor preachy. The episode focusing on Dot's recent past brought me to tears. Praise: The plot is addicting and, while most of these characters don't actually sound like teenagers (but when do produced shows ever realistically portray teenagers), the character development is great and the portrayal of OCD through Leah's character is some of the best I've ever seen portrayed in media (at least regarding the obsessive/intrusive thoughts element of OCD). Was it predictable? Sometimes, but not enough for me to feel bored like most thrillers/mysteries I can figure out right away, because it definitely had/kept me fooled or stumped multiple times.Ĭriticisms: The people claiming this show has an SJW agenda are wrong, but they did go for some pretty extreme caricatures and stereotypes for some things (the angry lesbian, the "loving" but intolerant Christians from Texas, the overweight girl asking for an extra milkshake ). I'm looking forward to seeing more of this one! I definitely found this to be much more interesting (and quite different) than the trailer led on. As of writing this I've only seen the first episode but I'm getting some Lord of the Flies/Lost/Survivor vibes but with teenage girls.

Wild n out girls season 9 episode 14